Saturday, December 5, 2020

The Election Problems Will Continue

It's an understandable assumption that cheating has always gone on in our elections and that this year's election is more of the same but unlikely to change the election results. If you think that it wouldn't be surprising, since the major media's not covering the issue and are accepting the claims of highly partial election officials that all is well and that this year's election was the cleanest ever.


But take the trouble to watch and listen to some of the hearings on the matter going on in the various swing states. Watch the sworn testimony of witness after witness, under penalty of perjury, all well-spoken and appearing credible, of all races and genders, regarding the corruption they observed, or the serious vulnerability of the voting machines being used. Hear the evidence of the discovery and documentation of very large amounts of illegal voting. The amount of corruption involved is astounding, for the present seems incontrovertible, and is easily enough to overturn the elections in at least some of the states in question.


What's to be done about it is the question. Mr. Biden and the Democrats are rushing full speed ahead to consolidate his position as "President Elect" and time is running short until a President must be inaugurated. Democrats, naturally, and their media allies are averting their eyes. There is the potential for State legislatures or the Supreme Court to act, but action by either, even with solid evidence, would take courage.


On the other hand, as Mr. Giuliani has pointed out, it would be surprising if the election officials in all these states devised these subterfuges independently. If Mr. Biden is inaugurated investigations are very likely to continue by the Senate, Republican legislatures and Mr. Trump's forces, and in due time if a conspiracy is clearly uncovered, we would be in uncharted territory.



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