The evidence that points to the recent election having been fraudulent is obvious and massive to all who are interested in looking. It includes video and photographic evidence, more than a thousand sworn affidavits of irregular activity in the ballot counting, the discovery of many thousands of verifiably illegal voters, voting machines that are demonstrably manipulatable, and so forth. Those who have passionate hatred of Mr. Trump will have none of it. The major media have no interest in investigating the situation, and along with social networking mega billionaires have been actively working to discredit the claims of foul play. The judiciary, preferring to see the issue handled by the politicians, has kept hands off by refusing to hear the cases which have been brought to them on technical grounds rather than stepping into the minefield of controversy that would result from an actual review of the evidence.
The problem on the other hand is that there are those of us who, putting his idiosyncrasies aside, very much like the President's actions and policies, which were effective in turning the country away from a very corrupt, decadent, and self-destructive direction. Those many millions of us have taken the trouble to look at and listen to the evidence being presented of a flawed election and find it convincing. It is our belief that those who are making light of the evidence haven't in fact had any interest in examining it and are willing to simply accept the reassurance of the overtly politically biased major media and State executives.
What's to be done about this divide in viewpoints? Well, we have a precedent of sorts. After 2016 we had a Special Council who was given unlimited time and resources to investigate a claim of meddling in the campaign, a charge far less serious than the present one of actual illegal vote meddling and fraud. The problem with that approach is that it would come after the new administration had been established, which would leave us in a difficult situation even if fraud were unequivocally proven.
Although Democrats have turned a blind eye to the voluminous evidence of cheating, they must in their hearts understand the well-known peculiarities that point in that direction. The dramatic difference in enthusiasm for the candidates, the groundwork for cheating laid in the poorly supervised mail-in balloting procedures, the discrepancy in the showing for Mr. Trump vs. the large gains by Republicans in down ballot offices, the unusually high proportion of support by minority voters, the distribution of Mr. Biden's gigantic success in major urban areas of key swing states as opposed to his significant losses in other usually bellwether states and counties, the resistance to allowing for accurate inspection of the voting procedures, the appearance of sudden bursts of ballots in early morning hours giving support to Mr. Biden in improbable percentages, the failures in maintaining custody control of the ballots, the reluctance to allow IT inspectors to review the contents of the voting machines, and more, are problematical signs that should incentivize those who claim to be concerned about the sanctity of our election process to take a closer look at the actual concrete evidence, however reluctantly. It is hard not to conclude that those who consider Mr. Trump to be a malevolent, bigoted, almost inhuman brute feel justified in turning him out of office by whatever means are necessary. The ends justify the means.
Those of us who are concerned about the integrity of this election have been told that what's done is done and that we must "move on". But those who tell us that fail to understand that the objection of millions of their fellow citizens is not so much that it is being declared that our candidate has lost, as that we are fairly convinced that we have had our sacrosanct voting right stolen. So, we are not going to "move on". Somehow this matter must be given a serious investigation with appropriate redress if major irregularities are verified.
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