Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Should the President Accept the Bipartisan Compromise?

I think the President should accept the new compromise bipartisan bill. Yes, the amount allotted for the wall is a ridiculously paltry sum, but nevertheless it is an important admission that a barrier is a reasonable measure in the fight for border security. The Democrats up to this point have resisted a wall on principle, terming it alternatively ineffective, too costly and immoral. They have caved I believe to political pressure. Although they must placate their leftist base who desire open borders, their polling has revealed the major problem that a large majority of the public are concerned with the present uncontrolled immigration situation, want better border security and think a barrier is a sensible tool to use.


The compromise bill is a foot in the door. The Democrats will no longer be able to claim that they oppose a wall on principle, but only that they are agreeable to a wall of inadequate length, a fairly absurd unconvincing position. When the prototype wall section is built and it is seen to be effective public pressure will build further for extension where it is needed.



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