Thursday, June 16, 2016

Let's Make a Deal. The Terror Watch List and the No Fly List.

Trump apparantly is going to meet with the NRA about selling guns to those on the Terror Watch List or the No Fly List. This will be an interesting test of his deal making ability.
The NRA has stated emphatically that it opposes selling guns to terrorists. Who in their right mind wouldn't have that same opinion. Obama and Clinton love to beat that straw horse as if the 2nd amendment supporters want terrorists to have guns.
The problem is in the details. I looked up the No Fly List on Wikipedia and the article is full of Kafkaesque stories about people being mistakenly on the list who didn't know they were on it, were unable to find out why they were on it, and had to go through all sorts of hoops to get off it. The ACLU has won lawsuits against it. The Orlando shooter was on it but was taken off it in 2013 so was able to buy his guns. How did this failure happen. I'm sure it's not that easy but do we just say it can't be helped?
So what about these lists. How do you get on them? How do you know if you're on them and why? If there's a mistake how do you get off them? It seems to me that in this era of jihadists going after "soft targets" the general public has to get involved. In our society we can't criminalize someone who hasn't yet committed a crime or for speech or beliefs but we should be able to know who among us is sympathetic to the jihadists so we can keep an eye on them.
So instead of the President and Hillary angrily berating their political opponents about their supposed callousness, why didn't they use their time in office to address these problems and work out a "deal" that everyone can agree about. It'll be interesting to see what Trump comes up with.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Trump and Pocahontas

So some liberal Indians and the RINO's think "Pocahontas" is an insult. No Dummies, Pocahontas is an early American legend. Trump OBVIOUSLY is using the term as shorthand to remind us that Lizzie claimed she was a minority to gain status and that Harvard publicized her claim to proved they had a "diverse" faculty. Trump is not putting down Indians, he's if anything respecting them by calling out a fraudulent claim to be one.

ANYTHING Trump says will be construed as racist by the liberals. Republicans should not be buying into their racist cant. SHAME on Mitt Romney and his friends. I used to think he was a nice man, but he has a screw loose in his brain.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Trump's Opinion about Gonzalo Curiel is not Racism

Trump is saying that Curiel has personal animosity for him based on his widely known political stance regarding illegal immigration.

He has this opinion based on his impression that the rulings by the judge against him are not reasonable based on the facts of the case. His description of the facts of the case are obviously one-sided but if they are as described by Trump one would wonder what justifies continuing the trial. Trump feels that the judge does not like him personally and that the obvious reason has to do with the judge's own political leanings.

The fact that these arguments have to do with opinions and feelings about illegal immigration is not "racism". If anything one might say that Judge Curiel is being accused of this fault. But that also would be untrue since his personal feelings would be based on Trump's political policy regarding illegal immigration rather than racial prejudice.

What is the truth in this matter? We know Trump's opinion since he expresses it forthrightly, political correctness be damned. It is high time that the press interviewed Judge Curiel to ask him expressly whether he has personal animosity against Trump based on his political policies. If so he should remove himself from the case.

The accusation of "racism" is a cancer in this country that must be eliminated. It is clear as day that the circumstances here do not justify making it a racial issue. (Why are we making "Hispanic" a race anyway --- it isn't one). The Democrats jump to the epithet. It is their stock in trade. But even Trump's supporters are aghast. It is like an electrified third rail. The press talks of nothing else and immediately make the "racist" assumption. How Trump can break through this argument and turn it around will take all his political skill. Simply ignoring the matter will leave it to fester. It will be interesting to see if he can do it.