Well, the great battle of the wall is on. Instead of posting someone else's article, as usual I'm going to say what I think about it.
The fundamental problem is that we have a long southern border past which annually tens of thousands of people come illegally, whose identity, destination and purpose we do not know. Everybody know this, so why point it out. It's because the politicians seem not to appreciate the problem. They say they do, in that for example there are numerous videos on the internet depicting them in the past decrying the negative effects of illegal immigration. It is hard not to doubt their sincerity in that this is a situation that has gone on for many decades without resolution.
Without getting into the arguments pro and con about the illegal entrants per se, as well as the other routes of illegal entry into the country, I think one of the major problems with simply ignoring our porous southern border is that it is a fundamental barrier to our developing a rational immigration policy. This failure of our government is detrimental both to our own citizens and the immigrants themselves.
Mrs.. Pelosi and Senator Schumer both claim to desire border security but are dead set against a wall. I just listened to a talk by Mr. Schumer who claimed the President is simply catering to his far right wing base. This is of course nonsense. Mr. Trump's promise to at long last address this problem by building a wall was a major element of his winning the election. Millions of ordinary citizens sensed that, unlike the usual political claptrap, Mr.Trump would fulfill his promise. Despite his other accomplishments, failure in this area would be a major blow to his support. In fact, if the truth be known, I believe a substantial majority of our citizens understand the negative implications of an uncontrolled southern border, would like the problem addressed, and except for the fact that Mr. Trump wants it, most Democrats would not oppose a physical barrier at least on the vulnerable parts of our border.
So the Democrat leaders are in favor of border security but against a wall. Mrs. Pelosi says it would be immoral. Others say it's too expensive or would be ineffective. These arguments don't stand the test of common sense. But taking them at their word that they really believe what they're saying my response is, what's your plan? Let's hear it. Nebulous talk of high tech sensors, drones, and increased personnel sounds doesn't cut it. Let's have a specific concrete proposal. That's what our elected congress is supposed to do. And if you can't pass a law that specific, then pass a law instructing and giving funds to the President to use whatever means other than a wall he deems necessary to stop people from crossing the southern border illegally. Short of that sort of action it's just the same old political baloney.
You see it's not really a wall that the millions of ordinary Americans are interested in, it's stopping once and for all illegal entry over our southern border. Mr. Trump proposed a wall as an efficacious means to this end and that seems sensible. If there is some equally efficient way that really and truly does the job that's fine with me, but it seems that the President is saying that the time for the political song and dance is over. Sounds good to me.
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