Thursday, December 6, 2018

Government Follies


Interesting story in the paper this morning about some spinoffs from the Mueller investigation. Mueller hasn't come up with anything against Trump as far as we know but now they're finding, in addition to Paul Manafort, a bunch of other Washington insiders, from both parties, making big money from secret lobbying deals with various foreign countries.


No surprise folks. The place is a money and power magnet, not really a good place in which to put our confidence. It's why our founders were so skittish about the idea of a strong central government, devising a balance of powers, three separate and equal branches, each with designated oversight over the other two. They balanced the States off against the feds, giving each one two senators and setting up the electoral college. And then they topped it off with the Bill of Rights, just to make double sure they got the point of who was boss. They tried their best but, with all that money and influence funneling in to DC it's not at all a sure thing that their strategy worked. It's a constant battle requiring an informed and educated citizenry. Given the present state of our media and education establishment it's hard not to be pessimistic.


But, hey, the feds aren't alone. On another page there was another article about New York State considering the funding of badly needed NYC subway repairs by legalizing and taxing pot. It seems inevitable since New Jersey has done it. No doubt some day soon we'll be hearing radio adds to smoke a little dope to keep New Yorkers riding. Sort of like the adds to help the old folks by playing the lottery, otherwise previously known as the numbers racket. No wonder you don't hear much about the mafia anymore.


In another part of the article one transportation expert opined that another benefit of legalizing pot would be that it would help keep people more relaxed when the subway was late.


Who needs the funny papers?




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