Chuck Schumer and some of his Democrat allies are now calling for relieving our gas price inflation by drawing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. What the hell is wrong with the thinking of these people?
The Strategic Petroleum Reserves is for just what it says it is, a reserve oil supply to be available in case of some emergency international disruption. What's going on now is self-imposed. We've gone from energy independence to oil mendicants in a few short months of the present administration. The cause is not mysterious. Joe Biden, to fulfill his dream of becoming a noteworthy figure, has taken on the fanatical ideology of "climate change" and from his first day dramatically turned his back on all the energy production policies of the previous administration. So now, instead of producing our own, which was not only a source of national income but also an energy insurance policy for ourselves and our allies, we have gone to begging OPEC and Russia to increase their oil production so as to make up for the loss of our previous domestic supply. Can anyone tell me what sense that makes, even for the apostles of "renewable energy"?
Our leaders want to treat the Strategic Petroleum Reserves as they do the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, as a source of ready money for their social schemes. So now, instead of collecting interest on those funds, our treasury is paying it out. But tapping our Strategic Petroleum Reserves is a much more ominous action which could cripple us badly in a time of real emergency.
The relatively more severe oil crisis of the 1970's with its long gas lines, was resolved almost overnight by removing government oil price controls resulting in a dramatic increase in domestic oil production and a reduction in our dependence on OPEC. There could not have been a better demonstration of government being the problem instead of the solution.
Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer have come face to face with the reality that a decline in fossil fuel supply equates to a big decline in our standard of living, most especially for those of lower income. The government cannot lower prices by printing more dollar bills. Some day in the future we may reach the nirvana of having a source of low cost energy from the sun and the wind or from something else, but for now it's time for good old amiable Joe and his friends to get out of the way.
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