Thursday, January 7, 2021

The Capital Riots and Mr. Trump's Response

The Pro-Trump rioters cannot be excused because they think their cause is just. We cannot be like the left who excused much more savage and sustained rioting for reasons they approved of. The riots of the summer were characterized by the major media as mostly peaceful. But even though the hundreds of thousands who marched in Washington today were mostly peaceful, we cannot accept that rationale.

The rioters today were involved in criminal, destructive and threatening activity. They should be identified and prosecuted. But more than that they are just dumb. They, as were the rioters in the summer, are doing major harm to the cause in which they believe.

Their motivating issue is not Donald Trump, although he is the present rallying point. They, like millions of others of us, are disgusted with the liberal agenda which seems to be carrying our country away from its founding principles of individual freedom and self-reliance and toward central control by an ever-increasing oligarchy. They were exhilarated by the return to those basic values represented by Mr. Trump's election. And now they are incensed by strong evidence that all of this has been lost by corruption of the voting process.

Mr. Trump has advised his supporters to disband and at the same time holds to his belief that his loss was fraudulent. This seems to give a mixed message. I believe that he can reconcile the apparent contradiction and has the opportunity to solidify his leadership position by two actions. First, he must change the issue from his election which seems ever more to be a lost cause regardless of the likelihood of fraud and return the focus to Make America Great Again. And then follow the great model of Martin Luther King who fought for a righteous cause and led great protests for change but demanded that his followers follow the path of non-violent civil disobedience. For those liberals who I am sure will take great offense to equating the two issues, my point is that the technique was not only the right thing to do, but in the end was extremely effective.

Let's see if he can rise to the occasion



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