Trump is having his bimbo eruption. He categorically denies the whole thing, but so did Bill Clinton until he was foiled by dress stains. The Democrat's outrage seems ideological since they find Trump's behavior deplorable but Clinton's was just a little personal problem and he remains as popular with them as ever. Hillary's well documented role in smearing the reputation of Bill's victims is pushed aside.
Meanwhile the Wiki-Leaks keep rolling out, giving us direct evidence ...confirming what everybody already knew, that there is ongoing collusion between the Clinton camp, the Obama administration, most especially the State Department and the Justice Department, and the major news media. When asked to explain the contents of the emails the Clintonistas respond that the Russians did it. That one is right up there with the dog ate my homework.
However things don't look great for the Trumpster. When you look at him he does seem to have a pretty big mouth. I think it's been stretched from putting his foot in it so much. Two things might intervene to change the trajectory. He could have a bang-up third debate. He seemed to have gotten the hang of it in the second one. Chris Wallace, who will be the moderator has a well-known history of asking tough questions to all concerned, but at least he'll be even-handed so that Trump won't be facing two opponents.
Another possible Hail Mary would be the release of the actual deleted Hillary emails since it seems pretty likely that they contain some bombshells. Going to the trouble of wiping them out permanently in the face of a subpoena and FBI investigation amounted to obstruction of justice so they must have contained something pretty important for her and her staff and lawyers to have decided to take that risk. If they were actually to surface it could be a game changer.
James Comey kept his investigation narrowly focused on the question of handling classified information. So the email deletion issue has not been adjudicated. Whether it will be in the future makes the outcome of the election particularly important for her, as Trump has already pointed out. If she wins she will have gotten away with it, even if the Senate stays Republican, since it seems clear that a great many Republicans are pretty comfortable with the established way of doing things.
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