Friday, July 29, 2016

Hillary is not the problem. It is the Democrats!

I wouldn't call Hillary dangerous and sinister as the Dems are referring to Trump. It's more that she is consumed by ambition and will go to any length to achieve her goal. And like her boss, Obama  I think she is smart enough but incompetent. But Hillary is not the problem for me, it is the modern Democrat party which has embraced big government.
I agree with our founder's idea of government as a necessity which must be kept limited. You think government is compassionate? It is not. It is collection of politicians and bureaucrats, each with their own interests. It is for the most part impersonal, inhumane and wasteful.
We all have our own experiences but I have seen what government can do from the inside. I started in medicine just before Medicare and have watched the whole sorry mess develop, decade by decade. Government regulation and policy has virtually destroyed medical practice. Don't think that this is just your doctor's problem. If you're concerned about the high cost, inefficiency and maldistribution of medical care look to the government takeover.
For those of you who think that doctors are dropping Medicare because of greed, think again. It's not an easy decision to let go of a large portion of your paying customers. It's what you have to do to get paid that's the problem. For those of you who don't care to have your doctor sitting in front of a computer entering data instead of taking the time to listen to you, join the club. Your doctor hates it too.
Now I'm not against regulation per se. Life without it would be chaos. But what we've got now has gone far, far beyond all common sense. So for those who are satisfied with the government's fingers in every part of your life, and want more of it in the future, and want to give your hard earned money to pay for it to boot, vote for Hillary. For my part I'll take a chance on Trump. He isn't your standard politician and that's fine with me.

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