Monday, March 22, 2010

The real meaning of Obamacare

Here is the reaction of one liberal Democrat with whom I debate, a physician unbelievably. It provides some insight into the mindset of these people. First of all how sick is the paternalistic view of the government and its relationship to the individual citizens, as if the government ever produced or provided anything that it doesn't take from us. The italicized part (my italics) tells you all you need to know about the intentions of this group to take over and control medical care. Watch out everyone else, you're next.
"We will no longer be the only nation in the first world that does not provide health coverage to its population. Now we can begin to weed out the practitioners who dupe their patients into demanding unnecessary and/or ineffective treatments at great expense to all of us. It will take time, but it will be worth it."

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