Monday, September 9, 2024

ELECTION 2024: My thoughts in 2020 about the George Floyd riots. What did Mr. Walz do?

Well now the inevitable shootings and killings are accompanying the riots in the big cities. If they are allowed to continue it will get worse. Here's what I think is common sense about the issues.
 In order to avoid general violence, we defer the use of force to the police whose functions are law enforcement and maintenance of peace and order in the community. They must use this force only in specific circumstances such as the protection of their lives or those of others. If a citizen is harmed by an officer's use of force the circumstances are reviewed and if it is concluded that he has used force in a way contrary to the law he is charged by a prosecutor with criminal behavior. Then there is a trial. At the trial both the prosecutor and the defense present their evidence and a jury, selected in accordance with predefined legal procedures, decides the outcome.
 There are some that think that handling these issues in a case by case manner is not sufficient. They contend that police in general are guilty of systemic racism such that they use excessive force preferentially in their dealings with minorities, most specifically young, black men. There is much disagreement as to whether this is an accurate assessment, but if it is, it seems fair to ask the question that, since systemic racism in the police would presumably be a longstanding phenomenon, why something hasn't been done about it previously by those civic leaders who are in charge of the police and generally seem to be sympathetic to the complaint.
 Assuming for the sake of argument that it is true, those who are upset about the matter can assemble with others who are similarly concerned, organize and protest. They have full right to do this under our constitution and laws. In order for their protest to be effective they should clearly state their demands as to what they feel should specifically be done about the problem and, assuming there is general agreement by the local public, their desires should be carried out by the local political leaders, most especially since these leaders have expressed sympathy with the protestor's complaints.
 The aggrieved people do not have the right to riot about the matter and to destroy the property and livelihoods of innocent bystanders or of public property. We are a nation of laws, devised by our elected representatives, written down beforehand and enforced in specific manners. If instead we riot to obtain our wishes evil consequences will result as we are seeing.
 Some civic leaders are condoning the riots and allowing them to continue. They argue that they are not as bad as they look, that they are limited to relatively small areas and that they are somewhat justifiable considering the severity of the grievances. They appear willing to disregard their oath to uphold the law, and to accept the destruction of property and lives as long as it is in keeping with their political benefit.
 Mr. Trump has strongly expressed his unhappiness with the situation, but has constitutional constraints limiting what he is allowed to do about it. He has said publicly that he considers the local leaders in these areas to be fools. Mr. Trump is open and direct. Our recent Presidents, Mr. Obama, Bush and Clinton would express such things in private but would speak in public more diplomatically to disguise and make their real opinions more generally acceptable.
 As I said, these statements appear to me to be common sense. Alternatively we can just say that it's all Trump's fault and be done with it.

ELECTION 2024: Kamala Harris' policy changes

Kamala Harris has now reversed her position on Medicare for All, gun confiscation, disbanding ICE, and eliminating fracking and offshore oil drilling, among other things. She now proposes Trump-Vance policies and ideas such as increasing child tax credits, no taxes on tips and building a border wall. It's a lot of changes but let's grant that it's reasonable to have a change in thinking.
At the same time it's also fair to state that if adopting Trumpian policies makes her more palatable, why should we not just elect the bona fide Trump. Well, I guess you can say that you don't like Trump's style and you'd rather have a substitute that promotes Trump's policies but is nicer.
But then we should ask Ms. Harris the reasons for her various conversions to judge her sincerity. That was asked in her recent CNN interview and she responded that she "continues to have the same values". That one gets your head spinning. I guess we'll have to follow Nancy Pelosi's recommendation that we'll have to elect her to see what's in the package.

ELECTION 2024: Israel Policy - Trump vs. Harris

Israel faces a no-win situation fighting an enemy who tries to break the will of the Israeli public by raping and murdering civilian hostages while influencing world opinion by using its own civilians as military shields. Apart from any military assistance, U.S. policy can help its Israeli ally immensely by the draining of the terrorist funding source from Iran and supporting cooperation between Israel and the Sunni Arab states who are both antagonists of Iran and have other common interests.

Iran's main income source is oil sales. During the Obama administration Iran's oil sales sanctions were lifted and its annual revenue increased to $60 B. In 2018 Donald Trump reimposed sanctions after which Iran's revenue dropped in 2019 to $19 B and then in 2020 to $9 B. After President Biden took office Iran's oil revenue has steadily increased again and its revenues for 2024 is estimated at $35-40 B. Under Biden-Harris there are once again discussions regarding removal of all sanctions.

During the Trump administration the Abraham Accords were signed, reopening relations between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. There were strong indications that Saudi Arabia was ready to join but negotiations were halted when President Biden took office. Instead under the Biden administration Saudi Arabia has developed closer ties with Russia and China and is reported to be strongly considering accepting currencies other than the dollar for its oil sales which would have potentially devastating results for our economy.

President Trump has repeatedly claimed that if he were in office we would not have the present Middle East conflict. Considering all the facts stated above it seems highly likely that he is correct. Kamala Harris has no significant foreign policy record or evident negotiation skills. She has made no specific foreign policy statements in this matter but both she and her present party members seem to favor the status quo, or worse. Those who would vote for her because of their distaste for Mr. Trump should think long and hard about the implications of that action.

ELECTION 2024. Dick Cheney supports Kamala

Dick Cheney now supports Kamala Harris. Strange bedfellows united against a common enemy, Donald Trump. But really not so strange when you get into the issues.

Cheney was one of the chief architects of the Iraq War, in the end a terrible idea. Trump vigorously opposed it from the start, decrying the loss of life and fortune built on false premises and assumptions. No mystery why Cheney and his daughter hate him. He was more insightful than I was, as well as most Democrats, including Joe Biden, who gave their support until it turned bad. Then they pulled the plug and blamed George Bush. Shades of Vietnam.

Trump is not in on the Washingtonian Military-Industrial complex that President Eisenhower warned us about. In his administration he preempted wars with negotiation, and he's good at it. Like Ronald Reagan did, he bypasses the diplomats and gets personal with his opponents, and then, like Teddy Roosevelt, speaks softly but carries a big stick. Recall how he dramatically put a stop to the North Korean missile launches over Japan in his famous meetings with Kim Jong-un. With Isis he acted decisively when he had to but kept other conflicts at bay.

No need to recite what's happened with Biden-Harris in Afghanistan, as well as the two other major conflicts. Trump has repeatedly claimed that none of that would have happened had he been in office, and there's plenty of reason to think he's correct.

Harris has been a Warhawk on Ukraine-Russia. No talk about using U.S. influence for negotiation or her administration's definition of the military end-game. But she equivocates on Israel-Hamas, supporting Israel's right to defend itself, but not really. In this case she insists on pointless and impossible negotiation. These are not attitudes that incline toward ending death and destruction and give a pretty clear idea of what we are in for in foreign affairs if we happen to elect her.