We see on the news today that thousands of Iranian citizens, at some considerable personal risk, are protesting the recent shooting down of a Ukrainian passenger plane by their own military. They apparently see their own leaders as the problem, blaming them for their decades long fomenting of terror and aggression and for wasting their precious resources on such activities and they are calling for the downfall of their present government. Here's a quote from one news article I saw: "They are lying that our enemy is America, our enemy is right here," one group of protesters chanted outside a university in Tehran, according to video posted on Twitter.
American liberals are blaming Mr. Trump. Their explanation is that by killing the terrorist leader Soleimani, who was responsible for the death of thousands, including hundreds of our own soldiers, the President upset the Iranian leaders causing them to send missiles our way, including the errant one that hit the plane.
Who has a better handle on the actual cause of the situation?
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