Thursday, July 11, 2019

Harris, Biden and School Busing

In the recent Democrat primary debates Senator Kamila Harris chastised Senator Biden over his anti-school busing stance back in the 70's and has thereby gained significant ground in the polling. Ms. Harris gave an emotional speech, pretty clearly pre-arranged, about how much being bused to an alternative school changed her life. Ms. Harris is the daughter of a Jamaican father and an Indian mother, both well paid academic scientists, and grew up in an upper middle-class family in Berkeley, California, probably the most "progressive" city in the country. It seems unlikely that in her childhood she ever suffered significant racial animosity. Mr. Biden's response was that in the past he was agreeable to the concept of busing, but not when it was imposed by federal court order, probably an untrue statement when you look at the record, but the best he could do. The subject of court ordered school busing is interesting to me because it is one of the foundations of my conversion from a youthful liberal to a mature conservative.

School busing started in San Francisco right when my son was entering first grade. When all the buses came on the first day there were only a handful of kids, most families having found other alternatives. I resolutely convinced a reluctant Emily to let him go, that it was all for the good, and that "there was nothing to fear but fear itself". So off he went every day to Hunter's Point, a predominantly black area, without incident. In fact, down the line he was put in a "gifted" program which was shifted from one school to another and so wound up being bused to 3 different schools.

As it turned out we made the difficult decision to return home to Scranton after 14 years in California. Making the decision involved a temporary stay in Scranton, and on returning to San Francisco, we enrolled my 2 kids for a couple of years in a Catholic school a few blocks from our house. My liberal eyes were opened! Now they walked to school. And when they came home, they played around with schoolmates who lived nearby. We got involved with neighbors for fund raising events for the school. What busing did was to rob my kids of the blessing that I had experienced of growing up going to a neighborhood school. Racism had nothing to do with it. There was no way to live in San Francisco, even back in the 1970's, without mixing with people of other cultures. The Catholic school enrollment was largely Hispanic, and my son's best friends were Pancho and Miguel, who lived down the street.

This was one of many experiences that taught me that society was the way it was for many complex reasons and that simplistic ideas for change, introduced abruptly without thinking through the consequences, often did more harm than good. Liberals have a tendency toward what Thomas Sowell calls one stage thinking. They perceive a problem and agitate to apply a direct solution without more than a superficial analysis of cause and effect. If you do not agree with what seems to them to be obvious it is either that you are ignorant or have some nefarious motive. I understand that way of thinking well, having indulged in it when I knew no better. Most who reason that way are I think well intentioned, but some are merely opportunists, taking advantage of their more sincere comrades for personal benefit. I can't read anyone's mind, so I'll leave it to you to decide in which category Senators Harris and Biden belong.



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Friday, July 5, 2019

The Media, Trump and Independence Day

I had to chuckle when I read the reports on Independence Day celebrations in this morning's Times. The coverage of the national celebration in Washington, arranged for the first time in decades by Mr. Trump, was from an Associated Press article. The President gave a patriotic speech with no political references, celebrating our heroes of space exploration, civil rights, and so on, with a significant tribute to our military. Each branch was singled out, recounting their history and various heroic achievements, and was accompanied by patriotic renditions by the Army band and chorus along with military displays, primarily warplane flyovers.


This seemed to me when I listened to large parts of the President's speech that it was pretty standard Independence Day fare expressed by our nation's leader. But where Mr. Trump is concerned the press is the press. I would judge the article to have been about 75% negative. After the first paragraph it described the confusion of the staff and the concern over possible poor turnout. In fact, there was a large enthusiastic crowd but the article's implication was that a significant portion of it was manufactured, and that many of the attendees were there simply because of curiosity or custom. About half the article was devoted to the inevitable protestors and their activities with interviews recounting their complaints. The report I heard was that there were a tiny handful but you sure couldn't tell that from what was reported.


Compare that with the following article about the local annual Mayor's Independence Day celebration which was given substantial space and 2 photos. The attendance was meager, and the celebration was all military. It was organized by a retired military officer, the keynote speaker was the Commander of the local VFW, there were representatives from veterans of various wars and a traditional American flag was blessed and then raised. In the article there was nary a disparaging word.


So, in Mr. Trump's case the celebration was primarily for personal aggrandizement, was received with a lukewarm contrived response, and was excessively militaristic. The local celebration was a big deal, despite its attendance by 50 people, and appropriately honored our military heroes and flag.


So, the major media congratulate themselves for "speaking truth to power" and can't understand the skepticism of us folks in flyover country. We get the picture folks. 


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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Census and Citizenship, Legal and Illegal



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I don't get the problem with asking about citizenship in the census. The question was asked to everyone in every census until 1950 and then thereafter in the "long form" which was given to every 6th person until 2000. The question was stopped under President Obama.

I have checked the census forms for my grandfather in 1930 and 1940 and his answer to the citizenship question was in the negative. No problem with that. Many people are in the country legitimately who are not citizens. The Dems who are dead set against the question fear that it will inhibit people who are here illegally from responding to the question. I'm not sure why that would be since there would be no inquiry into legal status, just citizenship. They would just answer like my grandfather.

But the whole controversy brings up the issue of whether we should be counting people who are here illegally in the census in the first place. The census count is used to determine each state's number of congressional representatives whose most important task is to determine where federal funds should go and how we should be taxed to pay for them. And if states which encourage illegals and have large numbers of them have more influence in congress than those who don't I see an obvious problem with that.

Furthermore the numbers of each state's electors in the Electoral College is based primarily on the number of it's congressional representatives. This in turn means that people here illegally are essentially voting in our elections for President and Vice President.

Bottom line is that I do think it's important that we make an actual determination of the proportion of our population who are citizens. But much more critical to me is knowing the actual numbers and general whereabouts of people who are here illegally since, if they are counted, they can have a significant impact on the decisions made in our House of Representatives and Presidential election. How we could ever accomplish that task is hard to say since some are fighting tooth and nail even to prevent asking the citizenship question.