Tuesday, September 26, 2017
The AMA Does Not Represent Most Doctors. Vote For the Graham Cassidy Bill.
What is the point of the NFL "kneelers"??
Overall I think the NFL controversy is pretty dumb. But one thing does mystify me. What exactly is kneeling during the national anthem supposed to signify. I guess it means that you don't like the country. But what about it don't you like? The laws, the people, the climate? What is it?
Is it the fact that we have the disgrace of a minority ghetto in almost every big city, plagued by crime, violence, dangerous schools, unemployment, welfare dependency, fatherless families? But what's the cause of that, and how does condemning your country help to solve it?
What exactly is the outcome that is going to satisfy the incessant race consciousness in our country? It was supposed to go away when we got our first mixed race president, but it seems to me that it has just gotten worse. Where are we going with it? Nowhere good.