Trump is giving us the big picture of what he'd like to do. Finally, finally get illegal immigration controlled. Restore American strength and respect. Change foreign policy by realigning our relations with friends and antagonists, and resetting policy on use of our military. Diplomatic agreements must be straightforward and generally agreeable to our citizenry. Work on trade policy - yes we want free trade but all must abide by the rules. These are all sensible goals and perfectly appropriate executive functions in accordance with our constitution. His track record in business, tough but practical with many international ventures suggest that he has the ability to be successful in many of these efforts. He certainly has far more experience and proven ability in making agreements than B.O. or Hillary or Cruz.
His domestic ideas are reasonable and would be largely acceptable to the citizenry. His big concerns are our debt and the stagnant, failing economic plight of the middle class. He approaches this by a strong emphasis on jobs and not income redistribution. Yes, he does not rail against big government but nothing in his statements suggest an emphasis on the federal government as a panacea but clearly he favors the private sector. His policy prescriptions are not detailed, although his policy speeches so far are well within the range of acceptability. Those who want detailed domestic policies are forgetting that our constitution relegates that function primarily to congress. We have Paul Ryan who is well positioned to restore the proper balance. Trump expresses his desire to work with congress and his business record gives every indication that he would do so. Cruz, on the other hand, has proved himself in his relations with others to be ideological, inflexible and antagonistic to those whose cooperation he needs.
Trump has given us his ideas on who his supreme court nominees would be and these should be very acceptable to conservatives and constitutionalists. He states that he will reveal a list of names from which he will select his nominees before the election.
What is it exactly that makes Trump so bitterly opposed by the majority of intellectual conservatives. Is it his lack of ideological purity or his brash, impolite and politically incorrect mannerisms? These qualities actually make him appealing to many in our present day free-wheeling society. But are these reasons so cogent that they would accept a third term of far left liberal policies and multiple liberal supreme court picks. Do they fear that Trump will lose? I don't foresee that but even so there was no similar reaction to Dole, McCain or Romney. But that reason makes no sense if they would prefer to accept Hillary over the primary voter's chosen candidate.
Personally I think it is a herd mentality among an intellectual group who all know, communicate and socialize with each other, similar to what goes on among liberals in NYC or SF.