To my mind by far the most important and interesting type of conversation is about ideas.
In our modern era we seem to have lost that ability. Maybe its because these days we have so much extraneous media noise.
The best discussions arise when there are differences of opinion. Preaching to the choir gets to be boring and produces no useful outcome. Vigorous discussions with those with different points of view are both entertaining and informative. There is nothing that makes one revisit and refine one's own concepts than reasoned opposition.
There is almost universal agreement that the economics of medical care is problematical and should be changed. It's disappointing to me that intelligent people of good will, experience and great interest can't discuss ideas that might lead to solutions.
I'm just finishing John Goodman's latest book on the subject titled "Priceless". Goodman is an economist who has spent years working in the health care industry. He is known as the father of the Health Savings Account, although he points out that this is not accurate since he got the idea from someone else. The book is a treasure chest of information and ideas. He states that one of his major disappointments is that the HSA concept has become identified with the Republican party.
The bitter division in our present day politics is lamentable. It is interfering with rational, practical discussion and problem solving. The phenomenon that one can immediately predict the opinion of another on every subject based on knowing his political party affiliation is a sorry situation. How has this happened to us in this country of free people?